Terake Worker

by Terake.com



Terake Worker app makes work time reporting much more easy and more comprehensive. The goal is to get an overview of the employees working hours and to avoid to work over time and to plan next month’s schedule.Terake time tracking application is suitable in the businesses, where character of work needs predominantly constantly movement and it is closely-related to equipments and machineries. Using smartphone applications and contemporary technology the company has the option to register the working hours, used of materials and pass through objects with few movements.New GPS solution to track work at offline and device idle situations.Added role "POWERUSER". Poweruser is able to insert work records directly in addition to start/stop measuring and may insert, edit and delete work related objects (worktypes, facilities, customers, ..).User desktop folder configuration improvements, user folder settings are mirrored to server.Take photo and add directly attach it to ongoing work as additinal info. Photos will uploaded to server and are accessible at app.terake.comCargo transportation recording (cargo counting and measuring) functionality.Start/stop work using NFC tag (chip/card).Work signing functionality.On screen notification in case of new or changed plan/schedule, long duration work reminder, long pause reminder. Notifications are configurable by user (on/off).Plans can directly marked as done in addition to start measuring.File attachment feature for planitem as additional information, uploaded/attached files are accessible on mobile app.Wider language support. ET, EN RU by default and DE, LV, LT, FI, NL, RO languages.Device GPS based "odometer" - counts device movement distances between work start and stop. Messaging between app.terake.com and mobile devices. Mobile user is able to send messages to system (administrative users) and administrative users to device.